Support Issues

Please read below regards website changes/support or issues.


Paid Support

PLEASE NOTE : We only offer free support on server hosting or email issues coming from our side.  If support is for a client side or website issue we simply charge for our time we have to spend on the issue.. ie lost passwords, email and website changes/issues/questions or support.. see paid support examples tab for examples.

There is a minimum charge of $95  for our time dealing with client side support/maintenance issues. $95 is for our time in investigating your issue. If we can investigate and fix issue within 30 mins there will be no further charge.

Please submit a website support ticket.

Please note – $95 gets a maximum of 30 mins of website support/changes. Most standard issues can be found and resolved within 30 mins. If your support issue is likely to take longer than 30 mins, we will advice you of this before we proceed.

Submitting a ticket to the support centre gets top priority and the quickest service (tickets get answered before phone calls) . This will allow us to log your request and address it asap. If we cannot sort out request by email, we will then email you for a convenient time to call you.

After submitting form, support issues can generally be looked at within one business day.



For client side issues please see below.

Paid Support Examples

  • I want to change my website but need a hand making the changes.
  • There was a software update to plugins/wordpress/theme and now my site is not working as it was.
  • I have lost my password and login details ( note we do not keep passwords so we have to reset and send you a new one )
  • Can you give me advice or instructions on how to do something ie setup emails, change passwords for me, change website content.
  • I want you guys to do it for me, as its all a bit too technical.
  • I don’t have time can you do it for me.
  • I have deleted a page/content by accident, can you please fix for me.
  • I want to add a new section, how do I do it.
  • I think my website has been hacked can you fix it for me.
  • Something has gone wrong with my website can you please look at it.
  • I forgot how to do something, can you send me instructions again.


Simply email us your issue on the support form below and we will base cost on $95 for up to 30 minutes of support. If your support issue is likely to take longer than 30 mins, we will advice you of this before we proceed.

Minimum cost is $95.

NOTE: To keep websites secure and software up to date it is recommended to update plugins / theme and wordpress whenever an update is available. Usually there is no problems when this is done. Sometimes on major releases there could be website conflicts with plugins/theme/wordpress.  If this happens we simply will investigate and give you a quote for our time to fix or report on the best course of action to get your site up and running again.

Help with making website changes.
A Good 10 min video giving you help with using website backend. Definitely start here with help with changes.
For more help about using the admin area, there is the divi theme documentation. Many videos about making changes in your admin area.

submit website support issue 


Free Support

We offer free support on server hosting or email issues on our side only.  If you have an email issue please see Tabs below before submitting a ticket.


If your website hosting is down or you are having issues with your emails then continue reading below, otherwise please see our Paid Support section.

Please use the ticket system as your first point of contact if you think there is problem with your emails or website hosting. Please check below tabs first as most questions have been answered there.

Submitting a ticket to the support centre gets top priority and the quickest service (tickets get answered before phone calls) . This will allow us to log your request and address it asap. If we cannot sort out request by email, we will then email you for a convenient time to call you.

Office Hours: Support is available: 9am – 4pm Mon – Fri. The help desk is closed on weekends and public holidays. Please allow up to 1-2 business day for reply to a support request.




OUTLOOK SETTINGS - Where are my email setting for checking emails on mobiles / outlook etc?

To get your configuration settings for outgoing and incoming mail servers login to webmail ( instructions in below tab ) and you can view all the recommended settings.

Please note we only support webmail issues. If you cannot connect to your email from other devices you will need to contact the manufacturer of your device for assistance with settings or get help from a mobile tech company with connecting up. TIP: If you search youtube ie “setting up email on ipad youtube”  as an example.. you will see lot’s of help videos for setup.

WEBMAIL -I want to check my emails on internet, use webmail

If you want to check your emails on any computer with internet please add the word   (  /webmail  )   on the end of your domain.

ie yourfulldomain/webmail

Your user name is full email address.

When you login you will also see the setting for adding emails to outlook etc.

OVER QUOTA - I think my emails have gone over quota?

If you try send a message and your email address is over quota you will get a warning message.

When using outlook to check your emails, it is best if you remove messages off server once you have downloaded so you don’t have issues with running over quota.

A quick google search will find many instuctions on how to do, here is one of them.


Also a good way to remove messages is by using your cpanel account ( send us email if you want us to email you cpanel details ) see video below once you get cpanel access.

LOCKED OUT - I cannot connect to my emails or my website?

If you find you cannot connect to your website and emails ( but you can connect to other websites ) the server may have locked your IP from access.

This can happen if you try to login to your emails and account with the incorrect password too many times. ( Server thinks you are trying to hack or spam so locks you out )

SOLUTION: Please go to this website.

Record the public IP address at the top of that page and send this IP with your support ticket, so we can add your IP address to unblock list.

SPAM - I am getting lots of spam on my email.

Spam is a problem that many people have with their email. Once your email is out there in cyberspace it is very hard to stop. In your hosting account cpanel there is a program called Spam assassin you can switch on. ( let us know if you want us to send you your cpanel details so you can turn it on )

Here is a good video that talks about spam assassin.

SPAM FROM MY WEBSITE FORM - I am getting lots of spam sent from my website form?

Spam is a problem that many people have with their contact forms on website. The best way to stop is by adding a google captcha to your form.

To do this we have to set you up a google API key and add a plugin to your website. Cost for our time to do this is $95. Let me know if you want us to do for you.

WEBSITE SLOW - my website seems to go slow?

A slow website can be caused by many reasons. Sometimes it is just that the server is currently taking on higher load from other websites on server at that time.

It could also be caused by:

– plugins on website slowing it down.

– Old theme/wordpress and plugin versions. See our maintenance plans.

– images on site not being optimised and are too large in size so taking a long time to load.

There are things we can do to try reduce load time of a website.

We can add caching plugins to site to help increase speed and optimise images on site so they load faster. We can also update plugins/theme/wordpress to latest versions. Let us know if you want us to do this. Cost for our time with this is usually $200 – $300. Let us know if you want this service.




SSL - is my website data secure?

SSL certificates will protect the sensitive data transmitted from and to your website. Such information can be login details, signups, addresses and payment or personal information. SSL certificates will encrypt the connection and help protect your visitors’ data from being misused by attackers

If you are on standard hosting or above we include one on your site for free. See link below.

Maintenance And Hosting Packages

 If you want one but are only on the basis hosting option we can install a SSL Security Certificate and plugin on your website. Cost is $95 for our time in doing this. Let us know if you want.




How do I change my email password or setup forwarders?

When you login to webmail following the above instructions, you will see a tab to change passwords/forwarders etc. You can also change password from within cpanel ( if you don’t have cpanel let us know and we will send you )

We offer free support on server website hosting or email issues on our side only. Click below link if you have website hosting or email issue.

submit hosting or email issue